The Denial File
What We Can't Think About—and Why

Putting the ‘Fun’ in Funeral: Death in Entertainment Media
Tau Nell | March 12, 2021
Terror Management Theory (TMT), inspired by the works of Ernest Becker, posits that human beings, due to their unique awareness of their own mortality, make …

Life in Death’s Waiting Room: An Existential Analysis of Death Row Prisoners
Alanah Maskell | March 11, 2021
The death penalty is legal in thirty states in America and activists have long called for its abolishment. These people are given the worst punishment …

Do Not Muzzle My Masculinity: Men and Face Masks During COVID-19
Nikita Rattu | March 11, 2021
Globally, there have been over 100 million reported cases and over 2 million deaths attributed to COVID-19,1 classifying the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic.2 One …

Commentary on The Denial of Death
Kirill Khrestinin | March 11, 2021
Death is unavoidable. Sooner or later people we know will drop out of existence, finding their so often premature demise. Everything around you will be …